Jonny: Open minded musician, producer and music teac...

  • offline
    • 49 лет мужчина, Зодиак: Овен
    • Stockholm, Sundbyberg, Швеция
    • Английский(Свободно), Шведский(Свободно), Финский(Свободно)
    • Artist ,Musician, music teacher, sound engineer
    • без детей
    • Был(а) в онлайне: 3 декабря 2022 г.
    • E-Mail или ID: 1000131161
    • Друзья:
      Valeri_L,  ...
  • Private details and contact information
    Личная информация
    Пол мужчина
    Дети без детей
    Хочу завести еще детей Возможно
    Рост 6'2" - 6'3" (186-190см)
    Тип тела Среднее
    Этническая принадлежность Европеоид
    Религия Спиричуал
    Матримониальное положение не замужем/холост
    Курильщик Нет
    Пьющий Редко
    Информация о человеке, которого вы ищете
    Я ищу женщина
    Ищу в возрасте 18-36
    Ищу, требования к росту
    Ищу, требование к типу телосложения Стройное
    Знакомство Дружба, Брак, Отношения, Романтические отношения, Временный партнер
  • Описание:
    Open minded musician, producer and music teacher.I like to get to know girls from other contries and I am open for any suggestion.I am new to this so I don't really know what to write here...
    I am not an everyday-average-normal person - I don't live a normal life, more like the opposite.So if you want a normal man you can stop reading.
    Every week is different in my job, I work a lot at night.
    The reason I registered on this place is NOT that I have any problems dating or meeting women...It's more like my
    curiosity if it really works.
    If there is anything you want to know about me, please ask!
    I will gladly anwer all your questions... 😁

    Maybe if I meet the love of my life.

    Описание идеального партнера:
    Don't know what she looks like until I see her...but I guess she is slim with long hair...
    I have always dreamed of meeting a woman that shares my interest in music so it is a bonus if you play or sing but it is NOT a must!

    I Will be happy to teach you play the drums, guitar, bass or other instrument...

    🤓 I prefer NOT to get pre written texts or templates with a lot of bla bla...
    That doesn't impress me at all!☠

    🧐 A personal letter is much more worth... even if it's short or misspelled... 😃