Katya: Being a curvy woman I was often shy because ...

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    • 30 лет женщина, Зодиак: Близнецы
    • Kyiv, Украина
    • Английский(Знаю основы)
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    • Был(а) в онлайне: Вчера, 20:40
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  • Описание:
    Being a curvy woman I was often shy because of my too curvy and big forms. In school I was a very quite and shy kid, I tried not to attract any attention, though boys always noticed me. I never liked what I had and never felt myself "cozy" in my own body. But thanks God I've changed and believe if it's healthy to be who you are, to be curvy, not skinny woman if nature gifted you. So through all the fears I became stronger and now working at school where kids can be real cruel I feel myself totally cozy. I feel beautiful. I feel respected. I feel I can be loved and give love back. I am confident. I have a big heart full of love. I am feminine. I am woman who wants to find her second half. Let it happen with God's help.
    Описание идеального партнера:
    I hope to meet a gentle man. I hope to meet a person who won't try to change me, who will see a woman, a personality in me. Who will love me for who I am, who will accept all my flaws, just like I will accept all yours.
    Be gentle with me, I bruise easily.
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